Crispy Za’atar Potatoes with a Tzatziki Dip



Using a mandolin slice the potatoes very thinly.

For every medium size potato I season with 1 tablespoon of olive oil & 1 tablespoon of za’atar.

Mix well and add salt to taste.

Oil a baking sheet and spread the potatoes on it in one overlapping layer.

Make sure your oven is heated to its highest temp and bake for 30 minutes or until golden. Make sure to check throughout the baking, while you do want them perfectly crispy, you don't want them burnt : )

*Zucchini and butternut squash are great replacements if you would like to change it up every once in awhile.


Make the Tzatziki dip:

1 cup greek yogurt

1 tablespoon Preserved Lemon Paste*

1 persian cucumber, diced

2 tablespoons dill, finely chopped

2 tablespoons mint, finely chopped 

½ a garlic clove, minced

Salt, to taste

Mix all ingredients together and salt to taste. Place in a serving plate and drizzle olive oil and extra herbs for garnish.

*Our Preserved Lemon Paste is an all-natural product and is therefore subject to slight variations due to the amount of natural pectin in each batch. We recommend that customers who receive Preserved Lemon Paste with a more gel-like texture either blitz their desired amount in a blender or use a knife to gently run through the product on a cutting board until it reaches their desired texture. 


za’atar recipes, preserved lemon paste recipes, side dishes, potato recipes, vegetable recipes