Happy Purim everybody! We proudly present our recent collaboration with Crow Hill Supper Club; A ROYAL PURIM BANQUET BY NYSHUK
On Saturday, March 22nd at 7:00 PM, in the spirit of the Purim holiday-- a raucous celebration commemorating Persian Jews' escape from destruction at the hands of the evil Haman-- with prepared a massive celebration of food and drink. Dinner will begin with a selection of ten specially prepared salads, from pickled cauliflower to matbucha, a roasted red pepper and garlic salad, and much more. The centerpiece of the meal is NYSHUK’s unique, handmade couscous. The centerpiece of the banquet is a classic dairy couscous of Moroccan Purim served with dried fruit and nuts. This dish can not be found anywhere but here! Also look forward to a specialty spicy fish dish cooked in fresh turmeric and garlic. Topping everything off is the traditional “Mishloach Manot,” a massive spread of cookies, featuring our “famous” mint and sage butter cookies, poppy seed rolls, meringue kisses, marzipan and more!